Random thoughts

AI driven feedback machine
[prototyping|openai] 2025-01-22

machine learning
[machine learning|from scratch] 2025-01-10

we are the robots
[niryone|robotics] 2024-10-02

printable running posters for free
[soseki|running] 2024-04-18

Soseki.io Release - Jupyter support
[soseki|release notes] 2024-02-09

Imagine Open.AI + soseki.io
[open.ai|data|hackathon] 2023-06-20

Story Points vs T-Shirt sizes
[agile|estimations] 2023-02-10

Dashboard is not an answer
[visualisations|data] 2020-05-04

Imagine Geigr index
[agile] 2019-04-20

Would you please liberate your data
[formula1] 2019-02-19

Rational Agile
[agile] 2019-02-19

Thoughts about measuring agile
[agile] 2019-01-09

Reflecting on F1 Innovation Prize
[formula1] 2018-10-20

F1 by numbers
[formula1] 2018-09-14

Coding Minds become self-conscious
[codingminds] 2018-04-18

Computer programming or coding is the composition of sequences of instructions, called programs, that computers can follow to perform tasks...

Source: Wikipedia
The mind (adjective form: mental) is that which thinks, imagines, remembers, wills, and senses...

Source: Wikipedia